Who is STHOur commitment

Our commitment to the planet

"Act sustainably for well-being at the heart of living spaces"

Water and energy are at the heart of people's concerns and daily lives, and managing them intelligently is key to collective and individual wellbeing.


STH solutions for thermal and sanitary facilities operate in the heart of buildings. Sometimes they are invisible, but they always make a fundamental contribution to the way a building works.


STH also believes that safety at work, the health of the people who make up the company and environmental management are fundamental to the success of STH and is part of the company's policy.


STH works to achieve the manufacture and distribution of products to customers in a way that is sustainable, responsible with the environment and in accordance with legislation.

Towards carbon neutral

Caring for the environment, water and energy management are at the heart of people's concerns and daily life. At Standard Hidráulica, environmental responsibility is key and, fully aware of this, we direct our efforts to reduce the carbon footprint and the general impact on the environment.

Regarding this objective, we participated in an important C02 compensation project in Pontevedra, in which various species of trees were planted to reforest a burned area. Thanks to this and other actions that we carried out to reduce emissions, StH has managed to offset its carbon footprint in 2021 (scope 1 and 2), thus obtaining the CALCULATE – REDUCE – COMPENSATE certificate. This prestigious certificate is awarded to companies that, in addition to calculating their emissions for a minimum period of 4 years, reduce them and go one step further, offsetting their carbon footprint.

Our contribution for a better world

Together we are Unstoppable!

Together we move towards curing leukemia and blood disorders.
Our commitment translates into improving patients life's quality through the Josep Carreras Foundation programs.

Furthermore, at Standard Hidráulica we are also proud to participate as a company committed to the Andròmines entity. Organization that fights against exclusion based on the dignity and equal opportunities of people and protects the environment through the defense of the environment and sustainability.

We also collaborate with Fundació Tallers, an entity of Pere Claver Grup, whose mission is to guarantee the socio-labor insertion of people with insertion difficulties, especially people with a disability certificate, so that they improve their quality of life with sustainable management, participatory and personalized treatment.

On the occasion of our 40th anniversary, we carried out a Corporate Social Work together with Soñar Despierto.

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© Standard Hidráulica, S.A.U. Barcelona